You can withdraw. Content discovery this is email list probably the most time-consuming task to do as a content curator, and once you have a clear strategy, you can actually dive in. Finding the best content is like looking for money, as I don't have to say how full the internet is with content. The good news is that there are many strategies you can use to reduce the time you spend searching for shareable content. Develop a reliable source of information a good way to get started is to develop a reliable source. Obviously, these should include websites that cover the subject you are interested in, but don't limit yourself to it. See other curators and newsletters from a wide range of sources. When using other curators, make sure you have a lot of options, as you don't want to recreate someone else's newsletter.
Follow the leader find a sort reader in the space you're writing and follow on social media. They don't have to be content creators themselves. For example, if you want to curate content about artificial intelligence, you can follow andrew ng on twitter . He was once email list responsible for baidu's ai project and google brain. He is best known as the co-founder of coursera. His timeline is full of interesting and useful articles on ai and machine learning. U17zkghl3 image2019 07 08at2.49.45pm andrew ng, co-founder of coursera. (source: edsurge) learn to skimming it will reveal a large amount of content.
You can't read them all. However, a quick read email list of the rest in the first one or two paragraphs will give you a pretty good idea of what your work will look like. The fear here is to share what is poorly written. That's why you need to develop a reliable source. Including content from people who consistently write powerful content makes it easier to trust them. You're probably saying that you need to do a little more than lightly skimming what you're actually sharing. Content distribution it's best to deliver content to multiple channels, as it looks
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